As Astronomia Sees it:
The ancient planets define the conscious personality, the transpersonal planets describe our soul/spirit evolution, and the planets which may describe the evolution of humanity over thousands of years.
Sedna's orbital period of 11,408 years is an example of the later. Dwarf planets', Quaoar and MakeMake, 3740-year orbit around each other might give us a series of milestones to measure the evolution of human society.
Humanity is constantly discovering more. More celestial objects and more forces in and around planets and space. Common characteristics include tilt, orbit, rotation, spin, appearance of changing direction, rings, moons, magnetospheres, gravity, and atmosphere.
Note: Announced Aug 2020. NASA is examining its use of unofficial terminology for cosmic objects as part of its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. As an initial step, NASA will no longer refer to planetary nebula NGC 2392, the glowing remains of a Sun-like star that is blowing off its outer layers at the end of its life, as the “Eskimo Nebula.” “Eskimo” is widely viewed as a colonial term with a racist history, imposed on the indigenous people of Arctic regions. Most official documents have moved away from its use. NASA will also no longer use the term “Siamese Twins Galaxy” to refer to NGC 4567 and NGC 4568, a pair of spiral galaxies found in the Virgo Galaxy Cluster. Moving forward, NASA will use only the official, International Astronomical Union designations in cases where nicknames are inappropriate.
Planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, centaurs, trojans, comets, stars, gravitational waves, Black Holes, Dark matter and Dark energy: All in our solar system, All are known to be part our universe. Each celestial object has its’ own distinctive energy field. Any one of these by itself is little more than an abstraction until we understand it. Then we build a framework, or viewpoint, to understand their connections.
We connect with each object from the perspective of Earth since we currently live here. It, and our environments, modify energy as it flows to us and through us.
Planetary differences influence our myths and understanding. Our improving telescopes and space exploration require Astronomia to also improve and expand.
Tilt was not seen long ago. It is the angle between a planet's rotational axis at its north pole and a line perpendicular to the orbital plane of the planet. It provides planetary seasons. Previously it was believed this uniqueness was caused from impacts with other objects. A 11-year study which started in 2008 is showing the first direct evidence of groups of stars actually tearing apart their own planet-forming disks. This work reveals a disk that isn't flat at all and is, instead, misaligned and broken which raises the possibility that planets could form on highly inclined orbits This would be as if the planets were born with different DNA and characteristics at birth.
Without Earth’s tilt, we would lack Earth’s wonderful seasonal changes and our association of them with the various times of year. Seasons are important to our lives and are an important element of zodiacal interpretations.
An orbit is a regular, repeating path that one object in space takes around another one. Orbits come in different shapes. All orbits are elliptical, similar to an oval. Some planet’s orbits are almost circular. The orbits of comets have a different shape. They are highly eccentric or "squashed." They look more like thin ellipses than circles.
Some planetary orbits overlap. Pluto's orbit overlaps Neptune's. There is a group of Centaur dwarf planets (plus asteroids) that do too. Some extra-solar planets – planets orbiting distant stars – have been found with extreme orbits. And even in our own solar system, for example, the planet Mars has a more elliptical orbit than Earth does. Its distance from the sun changes more dramatically through its year than Earth’s does.
ECCENTRICITY measures how elliptical orbits are. Venus, the planet of peace and harmony, has the least eccentric, most circular orbit of any of these bodies. Pluto, ruling death and transformation, is the most eccentric of the planets. Could eccentricity relate to change? Could this. in part, explain why Chiron's orbit is so eccentric. If so, Imagine what this might mean for one of the most eccentric bodies discovered so far, Sedna!
Spin was not seen long ago. It means to rotate about an axis, like the earth spins about its axis. ... Rotation Is a more general term so it could refer to spinning but it could also refer to circular motion
The importance of rotation and spin is revealed in the 1932 discovery of the neutron. This showed that atomic nuclei were made of protons and neutrons which are held together by an attractive force. This strong nuclear force has a spin-dependent component. The spin of a planet is the sum of the spins, the orbital tilt, and momentum of all its elementary particles.
The force is stronger for particles with their spins aligned. How will this impact future astrological interpretations? These thoughts and speculations will continue to be explored on later levels.
Most of our planets rotate/spin in the same direction as our Sun.
Venus and Uranus do not!
In 2006 an official definition of "Planet" was created. Dwarf planets are worlds that are too small to be considered full-fledged planets, but too large to fall into smaller categories. Astronomers estimate that there could be as many as 200 dwarf planets in the solar system and the Kuiper Belt.
As of 2014, the IAU recognizes five named dwarf planets: Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake. But those aren't the only ones. Other solar system bodies that are possibly dwarf planets include Sedna and Quaoar, small worlds far beyond Pluto's orbit, and 2012 VP113, an object that is thought to have one of the most distant orbits found beyond the known edge of our solar system.
Astronomers are still searching for Planet X, estimated to be 10 times the size of Earth, based on these outer objects orbit variances.
The zodiac is an area of the sky that extends approximately 8° north or south of the ecliptic. It is the apparent path of the Sun, Moon, and visible planets. The zodiacal signs are distinct from the constellations associated with them. Both their drifting apart due to the precession of equinoxes and also because the physical constellations take up varying widths of the ecliptic.
The zodiac is divided into twelve signs, each occupying 30° of celestial longitude and roughly corresponding to the constellations. This Tropical Zodiac is a means to determine astronomical measurement. It remained the main method for defining celestial positions by Western astronomers until the Renaissance, at which time their preference moved to the equatorial coordinate system. Astronomy and some other cultures use the Sidereal zodiac fixed on constellations which has 13 signs of varying degrees. Western astrology uses the tropical zodiac signs fixed to the March equinox, thus fixing them to Earth's seasons and cycles.
Sometimes I wonder if astronomy's preference was due to their focus on space, or the desire to separate astronomy from astrology. Perhaps both.
The classical Zodiac is a revision of Neo-Babylonian constellations from the 6th century BCE. The Greeks adopted the Babylonian constellations in the 4th century BCE. Most of the constellations in the northern skies bear Greek and Roman names. The constellations appear to form shapes across the sky. Those patterns were seen by early observes and named. The stars in these constellations may light-years apart, scattering the stars randomly across the galaxy.
Stars were often grouped into constellations differently by different observers, and the arbitrary constellation boundaries often led to confusion. In 1928, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) formally accepted 88 modern constellations, with contiguous boundaries along vertical and horizontal lines of right ascension and declination
As an astrologer, longitude equals the zodiacal signs around our globe. Latitude equals north or south called Declination The declinations of solar system objects change very rapidly compared to those of stars, and are included in most of astrology's ephemeris (planetary reference data).
Can terms, descriptions and measurements compare favorably to being there and experiencing the universe first hand?
Retrograde motion is not REAL in that the planet does not physically start moving backwards in its orbit. It does appear to do so because of the relative positions of the planet and Earth and how they are moving around the Sun.
All planets can appear to go retrograde depending on where they are viewed. There are dynamics in human consciousness and events on the Earth that apply to that apparent motion.
In general, the retrograde indicates to retreat, reject, or rebel against the status quo expectations of how that planet’s archetypal behavior manifests. It accelerates the process of individuation by challenging expectations. The retrograde archetype is dynamic, not stagnant. It emphasizes the need to continuously grow, and to continuously challenge existing limitations.
Astrologically this is often interpreted as revisiting the area or issues.
Venus is the rarest to be retrograde. Venus retrograde will review personal and social relationships.
Prior to 2019 it was thought that the “inner rocky planets” (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) don't have rings and all of the “outer planets” (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) do. Now? Earth and Venus have collected co-orbiting dust rings, as the planets have shepherded the particles with powerful gravitational tugs. Mercury's path, however, was thought to be free of such a feature. Now researchers have also captured such an image.
Mercury and Venus are the only planets without a moon.
Saturn has the most discovered moons with Jupiter second.
How can all this impact astrological interpretations?
In 1600 it was discovered that the magnetic field on the surface of Earth resembled that of a terrella, a small, magnetized sphere. In the 1940s, Walter M. Elsasser proposed the model of dynamo theory, That theory attributes Earth's magnetic field to the motion of Earth's iron outer core. During 1958, the idea of solar wind was proposed with the term 'magnetosphere' being proposed in 1959 to explain how the solar wind interacted with the Earth's magnetic field.
Magnetospheres — the magnetic fields around most planets — exist throughout our solar system. They deflect high-energy, charged particles called cosmic rays that are spewed out by the Sun or come from interstellar space. Along with atmospheres, they happen to protect the planets’ surfaces from this harmful radiation.
But not all magnetospheres are created equal: Venus and Mars do not have magnetospheres at all, while the other planets — and one moon — do have ones that are each surprisingly different..
We often use the terms "mass" and "weight" interchangeably in our daily speech, but to an astronomer or a physicist they are completely different things. The pull between a very large object, like the Earth, and another object, like you, can be easily measured.
The charts for the discovery of a planet are quite revealing. It tells us a lot about the focus of the newly found body. What does it tell us that 9 Centaurs were discovered with the Sun in Aquarius, the sign Pluto was in when discovered?
Toroidal energy fields exist around everything: people, trees, the earth, sun, and Universe. Most torus dynamics contain two toruses or “tori” - like the male and female aspects of the whole - one is spiraling upwards and the other downwards. The heart generates the strongest electromagnetic field produced by the body. Some scientists object, claim toroidal fields are unmeasurable, and compare it to the geomagnetic field detected at the Earth's surface.
Level One is intended to present information in a way that does not require prior knowledge. We focus on the known: the myths, the facts, and interpretations. It includes the current NASA work and some speculation.
Stories need to include who, what, where, when. why and how.
Planets are our Who are involved. Who and What happened is included with the planet sections.
Signs are our How did it happen, the nature or character surrounding it.
Houses are our Where does it take place.
Having established a base Astronomia Today will continue expansion with tracking space exploration, the interaction of celestial objects, consciousness, the nature of reality, developing myths, and modifying astrological interpretations to reflect our expanding awareness.
Ancients civilizations personalized the forces of nature in stories. They observed nature, its cycles, and rhythms (including space); the study of mathematical patterns in number and geometry images, and by personal connection and resonance. While western society see "things" they saw kosmos, a word signifying embroidery - the orderly and harmonious weaving of patterns. I am a story teller and an astrologer. I look forward to the new awareness, understanding, and stories that will be developing and plublished.
The astrologer Stephen Forrest says, "A planet by itself means very little, it is an abstraction. A planet in a specific sign and a specific house: for actual human beings, that is the ultimate indivisible quantum unit of astrological meaning. A planet alone is only a broad idea."
Stephen Forrest also says, "Even once we have a planet planted in such an elemental triad, there is still much that we cannot know about it. That is because the consciousness of the individual interacts decisively with the wide field of archetypal possibilities represented by that planet-sign-house combination. That last idea is the drum I have been beating all through my astrological career, which boils down in many ways to a battle against the astrological determinists. I love astrology, but I really like to keep it in its place – and its place in the food chain of power is always a little bit below consciousness itself."