Astronomia was one of the original Seven Liberal Arts in Medieval Europe. Each of the liberal arts can best be understood not in the narrow sense of a single subject, but rather in the sense of a group of related subjects. Astronomia can be defined as the application of the theory of space. The name indicated the ancient union of astronomy, astrology, meteorology, medicine and more.
Astronomy is from star law. It is a branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.
Astronomia Today is about understanding the potential meaning in natures patterns. Our world, our knowledge of our world and our consciousness is changing! We are about bridging the gaps between space and conscious awareness.
Astrology derives from star and logia, the study (or logic) of the stars. Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world. Astrology is the story of our lives. I am a story teller.
In ancient Babylonia astronomy and astrology were one. Over twenty-five hundred years later, the word Astronomia was still used to encompass broad connecting disciplines. As a liberal art it included more than the study of astronomy and astrology. Even medicine was included under Astronomia. For a long time, astronomy was supported with funding from astrology. This allowed for planetary positions and celestial event such as eclipse, and comets to be known in advance.
A fragment poem attributed to Plato (420’s-340’s BCE) explains “Astronomia”. The fragment discusses knowledge that predisposes humanity to wisdom. One answer was that everything in nature moves through discrete phases, like the waxing and waning of the moon, "Most people think of the stars as having no mind. This is a mistake." Do the stars show intelligent entangled energy? Hopefully in the future, more knowledge will be acquired, and so mankind will approach "the gods" and humanity with more understanding. It is through understanding the nature of the universe that humanity can become all it can be.
The materialistic paradigm of our culture and science taught that only direct contact had validity. That has resulted in astrology “not getting no respect” (as Rodger Dangerfield used to say). Today terms like entanglement, non-locality, fields, particles, quantum uncertainty, consciousness, and the observer role are accepted by science – if not yet accepted by of our culture. The Great Divide between science and religion has helped create the problems we live with today.
Astronomia Today seeks to understand and share the nature of the universe
so humanity in all its shapes and forms, so we,
can become the best we can be in our changing world!
As a child I wanted to be a geologist. My father said women did not become geologists. I love our planet.
Then I wanted to become a nurse. My father said respectable women did not become nurses. I stopped telling my father what I experienced or wanted. Only later in his life did he somewhat accept that the world was not as he had preciously seen it. Mother saw and accepted more. She had more confidence in me than I did at the time.
Learning and using astrology was neither acceptable nor respectable. The gift of using astrology is that the patterns of the earth, life and the universe can show in advance. (Not the events but the patterns of flow and timing.) Life is neither meaningless nor random. There is an intelligence and meaning to life. It is ok for each of us to be unique. We were not born to all walk the same paths.
In the 1980's I walked on fire, taught astrology nationally, gave readings at the Governor's Christmas Party and at the American Trail Lawyers convention, studied Edger Cayce, and more. The world that separates science, religion, humanity and mythology has lead to the turbulence, suffering, and chaos our world has today. Astronomia is a word used before that separation. To me astronomy and science is the left brain's association with logic. Astrology uses the right and left hemispheres of our brains. We need both.
Awareness and intelligence extends beyond our physical brains - to the 95% that we call unknown, subconscious, or dark. Our expanding knowledge of space, and our oceans, are an indication to me that we are ready to redefine what is possible, what is realistic, and who we can be. The year 2020 was the catalyst for my creating this website to share my search for an inclusive theory of reality.
Our planet and universe will survive even if we continue on our course. Will we? Will it be a world we want to survive in? We can thrive if we are willing to explore realities beyond what we currently believe and in which we live today. All energies have positive and negative aspects.
Our Age needs a cosmology, or theory of reality, for personal growth and evolution, social coherence and community building.
As Astrological Ages are changing evidence is mounting.
Our world reflects this change. Unfortunately we are not reflecting the best potentials. We are not connecting the causes and effects - but that statement is linear. Linear and mechanical concepts miss our complexity and our simplicity. We are created from the dust of stars. We are interacting cells. Our relationships and organization create the world that we can see, feel, touch, taste, and smell. Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment. Astronomia includes all of our universe.
How has Inner experiences and consciousness radically emerged from cosmic dust? How has our vibrant private awareness developed in what science presents as a purely physical universe?
A key moment in the scientific revolution was Galileo’s declaration that mathematics was to be the language of the new science, that the new science was to have a purely quantitative vocabulary. But you can’t capture consciousness in these terms, as consciousness is an essentially quality-involving phenomenon. The concept of As above, so below; as within so without seems true. The reverse also seems true. Synchronicity is an acausal principle that links coincidences through deeper meanings. The “basic stuff” of our universe is energy, which is information, which is consciousness.
In 2014 astronomers reported that the universe is 13.8 billion years old and is composed of 4.9% atomic matter, 26.6% dark matter and 68.5% dark energy. How do we apply this information?
Our Age needs a cosmology, or theory of reality, for personal, social coherence and to build community. Some scoff at this. After hundreds of years where the concepts of value and human fulfillment have been lost, we quest for meaning, purpose, sense, and ethics. Cosmology is the scientific study of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe. Humans and the cosmos mirror each other. The development, the construction of cosmology, has been called the central philosophic task of our time. Consciousness needs to be returned to our search for reality. Cosmology needs to be study of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe. Will Astronomia succeed at that gargantuan task? Only time will tell.
We can develop fascinating and stimulating spiritual and/or mental exercises to expand towards a more positive future. Will some of the shared learning here trigger your own thoughts that lead to your own contributions? I hope so.
For everything there is a season. For everything there is a reason. The year 2020 emphasized that this is the time for each of us to discover our own purpose and way to completion. The year 2021 is an invitation.
Using the analogy of weaving, the warp is our knowledge from the vast technological, scientific research and development. The weft is astrology, weaving together values and relationship in a way that weaves a sustainable humanity on Earth.
Albert Einstein: "The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. So to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that which is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms-this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness."
Image from viewed Aug 2020.