As Astronomia sees Earth:
As astrologers, we know how to handle aspects of opposition. Both sides must be honored and supported in some way. Adding Earth (and the Earth/Sun opposition) to astrological charts gives another dimension of awareness. Earth can teach us how to live comfortably with opposing forces that frustrate and confuse us.
We breathe, our Earth breathes. NASA monitors the Earth breathing. The level of carbon dioxide increases when Earth "exhales" and it decreases when Earth "inhales". NASA officials said, "As NASA begins its third decade of global ocean and land measurements, these discoveries point to important questions about how ecosystems will respond to a changing climate and broad-scale changes in human interaction with the land." Do other planets breath?
Space weather refers to the variable conditions on the sun and in space that can influence the performance of technology we use on Earth. It is ironic we accept that which impacts our technology easier than acknowledge it impacts us.
<- humorous perspective may help us connect and relate to all creatures on our planet.
On February 22, 2017 NASA announced finding a system of 7 Earth-sized planets in the Constellation Aquarius. The opinion that “earths” are exceedingly rare was widely held only a decade ago. Scientists are now realizing that Earth-like planets are common. This new awareness requires a radical shift in our paradigm relative to our place in the scheme of things. Astrologers may use heliocentric charts or geocentric charts. Information is even available to do charts for each planet at the time of an event on earth. Many Western astrologers use a geocentric model (Earth-centered) where the Sun becomes a planet in a sign. It is possible that the heliocentric chart shows an energy pattern while the geocentric chart is in sync with events on this planet.
Alice Bailey, author of Esoteric Astrology, said, "There is one aspect of energy for which the modern astrologer makes very little allowance, and yet it is of paramount importance. This is the energy which emanates from or radiates from the Earth itself…astrologers have always emphasized the incoming influences and energies as they beat upon and play through our little planet, but they have omitted to take into adequate consideration the emanating qualities and forces which are the contribution of our Earth…to the larger whole" "The Earth’s position indicates where service to humanity takes place. The esoteric meaning of the house will point to the inner journey that is taken simultaneously. This balance between the inner and outer journeys - between the envisioned goal and the actual field of service that we have to create in our physical reality. "
When the twelve zodiac signs are viewed in a sequential or linear fashion, beginning with Aries and progressing through Pisces, the experience represents an unfolding path and the soul’s journey through time and space to gain experience.
Aries and Libra represent the continuum of personal expression. This polarity offers the extremes of domination or acquiescence, leading or following, with the higher ground pointing the way toward partnership and cooperation.
Taurus and Scorpio form the continuum of resources. The goal of this pair is knowing when and what to acquire and how to utilize our energy appropriately on every level.
Gemini and Sagittarius are the continuum of mental exploration. This spectrum explores how we move out of our home base, familiar territory, and into the macrocosm. Here the lesson is to learn to think closer to home and deal with matters that are within the reach of the hands. The motto “think globally, act locally” would be a perfect guide.
Cancer and Capricorn are the continuum of field of influence. The goal is understanding our personal impact on our world and learning the consequences of our acts.
Leo and Aquarius represent the continuum of personal power. How we deal with authority, whether following orders or directing others, is the domain of this energetic couple.
Virgo and Pisces are the continuum of assimilation. The goal of this duality is knowing when to differentiate and when to blend.
The Earth moves in a spiraling dance of partnership with the Sun. Depending on the signs involved the dance may be a tango or a waltz. Learning the steps, and the nature of the partner, can set us free to move to the reciprocal rhythm of the music.
This is some of the information viewed from
The processes involved in generating Earth's magnetic field are complex. PBS has looked at climate change as one factor. It has been speculated whether the current weakening of Earth's magnetic field is a sign that Earth is heading for an eminent pole reversal—in which the north and south magnetic poles switch places. Such events have occurred many times throughout the planet's history and we are overdue by the average rate at which these reversals take place (roughly every 250, 000 years).
AUGUST 17, 2020 “NASA Researchers Track Slowly Splitting 'Dent' in Earth's Magnetic Field” by Mara Johnson-Groh and Jessica Merzdorf expand our knowledge with the following information.
Earth's magnetic field acts like a protective shield around the planet, repelling and trapping charged particles from the Sun. Earth is a bit like a bar magnet, with north and south poles that represent opposing magnetic polarities and invisible magnetic field lines encircling the planet between them. But unlike a bar magnet, the core magnetic field is not perfectly aligned through the globe, nor is it perfectly stable. The field originates from Earth's outer core: molten, iron-rich and in vigorous motion 1,800 miles below the surface. These churning metals act like a massive generator, called the geodynamo, creating electric currents that produce the magnetic field.
Terry Sabaka said, "The magnetic field is actually a superposition of fields from many current sources." Regions outside of the solid Earth also contribute to the observed magnetic field. However, the bulk of the field comes from the core. The forces in the core and the tilt of the magnetic axis together produce the anomaly, the area of weaker magnetism—allowing charged particles trapped in Earth's magnetic field to dip closer to the surface.
When a particularly strong storm of particles from the Sun reaches Earth, the Van Allen belts can become highly energized and the magnetic field can be deformed, allowing the charged particles to penetrate the atmosphere.
Research by the University of Liverpool has revealed that strange behavior of the magnetic field in the South Atlantic region existed as far back as eight to 11 million years ago, suggesting that today's South Atlantic Anomaly is a recurring feature and unlikely to represent an impending reversal of the Earth's magnetic field.
Past palaeomagnetic studies have shown that the magnetic field could change direction at up to 1 degree a year, but the latest study suggests that movements of up to 10 degrees annually are possible. Quicker changes in direction seem to coincide with a local weakening of the magnetic field.
If the magnetic field of the Earth suddenly changed, and this DOES happen naturally every 250,000 years or so, the consequences would be fascinating. (Most scientists think that people who look like us, anatomically modern Homo sapiens, evolved about 130,000 years ago. Some want to claim 200,000, None I know of claim back to 250,000 years ago.) For life, we can see from the fossil record that the past field changes had no significant effect on the living organisms. This is most curious because with the field reversal (North magnetic pole shifting to Antarctica and the South magnetic pole shifting to the Arctic region in the Northern Hemisphere) one might expect the field to go to zero strength for a century or so. This would let cosmic rays freely penetrate to the Earth's surface and cause mutations. This seems not to have had much effect in the past, so we probably don't really know what is going on during these field reversals. Geophysicists have begun to notice a decline in the strength of the Earth's magnetic field, suggesting that the next field reversal epoch may be about to start. It may, however, take a long time to get here, and we don't really know if the decline is just a natural ripple, or the portend of something far more. Source of last section was NASA.
Strong deviations are in yellow-orange. The star is right in the middle of the abnormality.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Earth is the fourth smallest of the planets—though in terms of the rocky planets, it's the largest—and it's the most dense.
You might think that the worlds that are made out of the greatest proportion of the heaviest elements would be the densest. If that were the case Mercury would be the densest world, and it isn't. Every object that exists, from the microscopic to the astronomical, has a certain amount of energy-at-rest intrinsic to it: what we commonly call mass. These objects take up a given amount of space in three dimensions: what we know as volume. Density is the ratio of the mass of an object divided by its volume.
Mercury has a higher proportion of elements that are higher on the periodic table compared to any other known world in the Solar System. Even the asteroids that had their volatile ices boiled off aren't as dense as Mercury is based on elements alone. Venus is #2, Earth is #3, followed by Mars, some asteroids, and then Jupiter's innermost moon, Io.
But it isn't just the raw material composition of a world that determines its density. There's also the issue of gravitational compression Earth is compressed by a few percent over what its density would have been without so much mass. The difference is enough to overcome the fact that Earth is made of lighter elements overall than Mercury, (by somewhere between 2-5%) making it about 2% denser than Mercury overall!